Crafting Meaningful Experiences Through iOS Development.

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Passion-Driven Apps, User-Focused Solutions

Welcome to my corner of the web! I'm Dan Eisenberg, an iOS app developer, electronic music producer, and business executive. After an eclectic journey through various industries, I've returned to my first love—software development.

I've always been captivated by the ever-evolving world of technology. While I ventured into other realms, from producing electronic music to leading business ventures, my passion for software never waned. In fact, my diverse experiences have only enriched my perspective. Whether it's the stagnation in the electronic music industry or the pause for reevaluation after the birth of my second child, life steered me back to where it all began. Now, with the added responsibilities of fatherhood, I'm looking for a stable yet creatively fulfilling path, and there's nothing that excites me more than the realm of iOS development.

Learn more about me >

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When weather forecasting meets AI-generated art.


Worried about rain ruining your day? Get your answers through a visual masterpiece! RainArt combines technologies like Midjourney's AI-generated art, SwiftUI, WeatherKit, and Swift Charts to give you artistic weather updates. Whether you're planning a picnic or just curious, RainArt offers a unique blend of function and artistry.