About Me

My Journey

My path in the software development world is one of continuous evolution. During my Computer Science college days, I started as a trainee working for David Birman, where I built online systems for Detran-RJ. Later, I had the opportunity to work on an online bioinformatics system with CSMA Systems.

After venturing into music and co-owning a mobile game studio, I returned to coding, specifically iOS development, first in Objective-C and now in Swift and SwiftUI. Each of these milestones has been a significant chapter in my ever-evolving career.

I bring a unique blend of creativity and wisdom to the table. Having been an artist, a business leader, and now returning as a seasoned developer, I understand projects from multiple angles. While the tech industry is often seen as a young person's game, I believe my diverse background adds a layer of depth and breadth that's hard to find.

Expect more exciting projects and possibly some groovy beats in the background. If you want to collaborate, or just say hello, feel free to contact me.

My Philosophy

User-Centric Design

The user is always at the heart of any project.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Better solutions come from collective input.

Continuous Learning

The tech world is always evolving, and so am I.

Work-Life Balance

Healthy living is crucial for sustained productivity.

Quality Over Quantity

I strive for excellence over expedience.


Challenges are just opportunities in disguise.

Beyond Code

Life isn't all about work. Here are some more hues to add to my portrait:

Artistic Pursuits

My love for art has taken me around the globe, playing as a DJ and musician, and even into the realm of Sci-fi/Fantasy writing.


As a father of two, I understand the value of balancing personal and professional life.

Lifelong Learning

Whether it's reading or taking new courses, I'm always in pursuit of knowledge.

Unique Skills

Being a native Portuguese speaker and having lived in Rio for most of my life adds a multicultural facet to my skill set